Performance Platinum 80 Gal. 10-Year Hybrid High Efficiency Smart Tank Electric Water Heater

$2420.1 $2689 10% off + $140.44 shipping Free shipping on orders of $35 or more from walmart
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The Rheem ProTerra Electric hybrid is the smartest, most efficient water heater on the market. Heat pump technology makes it 3X MORE EFFICIENT than a new conventional electric model (of the same capacity). Higher efficiency means more energy savings. It's so efficient, it pays for itself in energy cost savings. This model has an estimated energy cost savings of up to $490 per year, or up to $4,900 over 10-years. Plus, it's energy rebate eligible-super high efficiency means it could be eligible for state, local or utility rebates. It's smart: with its built-in WiFi and the EcoNet app, you can check hot water availability, track energy usage and can control its modes; choose the efficiency or performance you want. As a Performance Platinum, it comes with a 10-year warranty and 1-year in-home labor warranty.